E-Learning Smart Classrooms
IGNITING MINDS Mission Update: E-Learning Smart Classrooms - Update
With the generosity and support of many of you, now there are 55 E-Learning Smart Classrooms (ESC). These now benefit 60,000+ economically disadvantaged students in many rural schools and colleges in India. The total estimated project cost to date is US $ 616,000.
IWSF hopes to set up 50,000 more ESC to benefit 50 million or more deserving students within the next five years. Discussions are underway between IWSF and the Rotary Clubs in India to collaborate and enhance their TOTAL LITERACY Project with mobile, tablet based modern teaching to enable 1 Teacher - 1 Student interactive learning, as in developed countries for several years. This will help address the acute teacher-shortage problem and eliminate the problem of high Teacher-to-Student-ratio , making it convenient to provide individualized attention to students.
On June 8, 2015, Dr. M S Viji interactive session with over 50 Rotarians from RC Madurai (Dist 3000) to discuss TOTAL LITERACY. Modern technology may help overcome some of the major problems faced now: (i) acute teacher shortage (need 8.6 million more qualified teachers) (ii) very high Teacher-Student Ratio- over 1:50 in many places, impossible to pay individual attention to any student (iii) the huge Rural-Urban education quality divide (iv) unable to afford text books and school supplies due to poverty in many families, etc.